Reduction of Sampling Time in Chromatography by Digital Superresolution

When columns are shortened by a factor f, sampling times are shortened by the same factor but resolution is lowered by sqrt(f).
On the other hand, if these data with lowered resolution are superresolved in turn, the new resolution is raised back.

E.g., reducing column lengths by 66% and then doubling the resulting data's resolution leads to the same peak information as before in only 33% the time.

Application Black line: Original data
Grey solid: Superresolution
Green line: Kernel
1. Long column

In the example, in 30 minutes elution is sufficient to separate all peaks.

The interval in the orange box is zoomed ini A.

2. Short column

The same charge as in 1 is eluted on a column with 66% length.

Now some peaks overlap..

The interval in the orange box is zoomed in B

Superresolution of the accelerated measurement

A is the zoomed interval from the long column.

B is the zoomed interval from the short column. Superresolution is displayed in solid grey.

Obviously, B's superresolution is as informative as A's original, but in 33% of sampling time.

No additional eqipment is needed to to get an approximate two - to fourfold sample throughput, when digital superresolution is used..

Superresolution requires robust baseline correction.
PROANALYSI::PEAKS, you find baseline-routines optimized for many special chromatographical procedures.
The complete sequence of data analysis can be automatted and perfomed by simply pressing a button.